When During my Skincare Routine Should I Gua Sha?

When During my Skincare Routine Should I Gua Sha?

When During my Skincare
Routine Should I Gua Sha?

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When During my Skincare Routine Should I Gua Sha?

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Reviewed by: Britta Plug

Happy Layering!

Trying to figure out exactly where in your current skincare regime you should add in facial gua sha? You’ve come to the right place! 

 At Wildling, we receive this question often and while there’s no super ‘wrong’ answer, certain protocols do make more sense and are what we would recommend for glowing skin and maximum benefits. 

Here’s how to correctly layer your skincare:   

  • Begin with your usual facial cleanser. We like our Lumin Three-in-One Oil as a daily cleanser. You can also opt for a gentle facial wash. 
  • Apply Wildling’s Empress Tonic & Empress Oil, the only facial mist and oil specifically designed to optimize the effects of facial gua sha. 
  • Take a few deep breaths and begin your full gua sha routine. For a step by step run through of the Empress Ritual, head here: Step-by-Step
  • Remember to take your time and apply light-medium pressure.
  • Upon completing the Empress Ritual, your Empress Oil should be fully absorbed and all skin minimalists out there are good to go!
  • Caveat: if it’s daytime, then at this point, you are encouraged to apply SPF as needed. Use a zinc/mineral based one! Of course, no need if you are performing the ritual in the evening. 
  • Still craving your additional serums, balms, eye creams, or alternative moisturizers? Spritz the Empress Tonic on your skin once more as a ‘palette cleanser’ and apply as usual! 

In other words, whatever skincare you’re currently using, adding in the Empress Ritual can easily fit in without having to ditch what you already have. Please keep in mind, though, that many people find the Empress Tonic and Empress Oil are all they need for skincare. Our Empress products also work well for daily use with or without gua sha. Using less products = less waste = a more sustainable skincare routine. 

Check out a tutorial on this topic below and feel free to ask any additional questions in our IG Post comments, on the same topic.