“Soulful healing asks, while you are healing your body with herbs from Earth, that you look for the meaning in what is happening to your body as it relates to your whole being."
— 1 — Use Wavy Edge, and work from the top of the hamstring up and over the glutes. This is especially beneficial for workout recovery. Use as much pressure as feels good. Repeat several times.
— 2 — To relieve tension in the piriformis, Rounded Tip and the Comb Edge to release this tight muscle.
Complete both sides. Over time, these strokes can smooth, tone, and tighten your booty.
Wild Rose Pepper, one of the ingredients in our Aura Oil, helps naturally break up adhesions, acts as circulation boosting wonder. Read more about its origin and benefits here.
“As a registered nurse, the healing benefits both physically, mentally, and aesthetically are so empowering! Thanks Wildling!”