A Letter of Gratitude from Our Founders

A Letter of Gratitude from Our Founders

2019 — it’s been a*year*! You feel us? 

Devastating harbingers of climate change abound, our news cycle is a challenge regardless of party lines, and our increasing dependence on technology has us anxious and working more than ever before. That’s enough to make even the zennest of yogis feel a little… defeated.  

It’s 2019. It’s okay to feel defeated.

If you feel that way, we welcome it. We welcome you. You’re safe here and this is a place for healing and resting and recharging. Addressing the fear, the defeat, the anxiety is the first step. 

This is why it’s important — perhaps now more than ever — for healers, creatives, artists, and intuitives to share their gifts. Including you! Yes, you. 

We’ll admit that it sometimes feels silly to be spending our time obsessing over stone facial massage tools and herbal skin care concoctions, but at the end of the day we really do believe our products deliver a solid sense of well-being, and there’s no price tag on that! 

When a feeling of goodness blooms from within, when it can be generated despite the chaos on the outside, it is strong and viable and healing. 

One of the things we like to do when we sit down for an evening facial gua sha ritual is to think of all we’re thankful for — especially this time of year. Sometimes we’ll jot it down as a way to close out the day. The harvest season is a special time. The earth gives and gives and gives, and we receive with open arms. 

Our individual gratitude lists. 

What can we say? We’re grateful! 


I’m feeling thankful that I took the time my body needed to recharge when I was burnt out, and feeling especially grateful that I live at a pace that allows me to enjoy life’s little pleasures.


I’m grateful that babies take naps :), for supportive friendships and community, and for a cozy home life. 


I’m grateful for my family, for Mother Earth, and all that she does to nourish and care for us, and I’m grateful for the Wildlings who have become a part of our community.

And a letter of gratitude to Mother Earth, from all of us. 

Here at Wildling, as a team, we are grateful to Mother Earth for providing us — all creatures on Earth — with everything we need. 

We are grateful for the plants and herbs for their wisdom. They give us answers if we listen, offer gentle support, and transform us from the inside out. 

We are grateful for people who work with plants, for the farmers who so diligently monitor the weather, the sunlight, and the moon in order to nurture the plants well. 

We are grateful for the insects, the bees, and the animals who participate in pollination and growth and survivorship of our flora and fauna. 

We’re grateful for the trees, for their beautiful ability to generate oxygen from other creatures’ air “waste.” We’re thankful that they provide the perfect amount of sun and shade for thriving ecosystems still untouched by humans. We’re amazed by tree roots, which scientists now believe send signals to one another about the environment, danger, weather, and more. 

We’re grateful for the earth’s rich bounty of stones and minerals like our Bian Stone, many of which seem to have special resonant healing abilities. 

And last, but certainly not least, we are so grateful that we are all here together, and that Wildling has become a community for self-care. 

As a way to give back, we have partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation. Every time you purchase one of our products, we will donate funds to plant a tree. 

What are you grateful for this year? Tell us in the comments below.